We smile and watch the winter go,
And marvel at the melting snow.
What fearful weapons winter wields,
And makes its claim to woods and fields,
But now lays down its arms and yields.
For many months it laid a siege,
But now falls back before its liege,
As all around the land grows bare,
With snowy enclaves here and there,
Like flags of truce in warm spring air.
By storm on storm, by snow and frost,
The heart grew faint and hope seemed lost.
But springtime breaks, and sunshine beams,
The earth again with living teems,
And we are like a man that dreams.
So learn a parable of faith:
Beset by every chilling wraith,
But in the dark the Christian sings,
With patience for the spring of springs,
And Rising Sun with healing wings.
By Ian Kurylyk